10 Harshest Women in the World

Victim: 9 people
Dorothy Puente was an old lady who ran the boardinghouse business. As long as she's running this business, she's slowly killing the people who live with her and forged their signatures to the security check. He did not allow tenants to use the phone or by mail. She'll take all the money sent to the tenants and keep it for herself. The victims usually were drunk, and suffer from schizophrenia. One of the bodies found in her garden was found without a head, arms, and legs. Money which she stole, she used to fancy clothes, perfumes and skin firming face surgery just before she was caught. Puente did not show remorse for crimes she did and now she is imprisoned with a life sentence.

Victim: 3 (suspected there was another 5 people)
Karla Homolka is a Canadian serial killer who attracted worldwide media when convicted of helping her husband, Paul Bernardo to rape and murder teenage girls, including her own sister Tammy Homolka. Karla recorded the brutality and murder of a young girl by her husband, this video recorded used to against them in the court and some parts of the internet can be seen, although the Canadian government requested that the video was removed. Even more surprising, Homolka was released from prison in 2005 after only sentenced to 12 years and now live in the West Indies.

Victims: genocide
Elena Ceauşescu was the Romanians who declare themselves as scientists, the wife of the Romanian communist leader Nicolae Ceauşescu, and deputy prime minister of Romania. Romania declares that Elena Ceauşescu responsible for the liberation of birth control that creates a crisis situation during the 1970s-1980s, producing a flood of unwanted babies. Infants, and children are finally living in the orphanage. She also heads the environmental health committee, where he denied the existence of AIDS in Romania, which is one of the biggest cases of the western world. She is also responsible for the destruction of churches and the distribution of food in the 1980s is located in Romania. She was eventually executed for his crimes against humanity and her execution shouting "go to hell" when punished.

Victim: thousands
Elizabeth I, in order to suppress Catholicism, thousands of Catholics in England and Ireland were killed. As long as she's doing good things for the honor of parliament, she was also a cruel king. In addition, Elizabeth gave Queen Mary of Scots a refuge, and then suddenly betrayed her and put her in jail for nearly 19 years, then kill her. She advocated piracy against Spanish ships and supports the exchange of slaves.

Victim: 9
Between 1972 and 1985, Tinning had 8 children, where everything she had killed, and children who she killed adopted too. During the time of death, no one would suspect that she killed them, and instead blamed the genetic disorder. This is despite the adopted daughter of a seventh son was killed. She admitted that he strangled her children, but then she withdrew the confession. She was sentenced to 20 years in prison, and the parole request was rejected.

Victims: 12 +
Together with her husband Fred, believed to have Rosemary West tortured and killed 12 young women. In August 1992 Fred West was arrested after his son accused of raping 13-year-old 3 times, and Rosemary West was arrested for cruelty to children. West developed a habit to pick up girls from the bus stop near Gloucester, England, and imprisoned them their home for several days before killing her. West has a large sexual appetite and enjoyed very extreme and sexual slavery sadomasocithistic. Rosemary is a bisexual and many of their victims for sexual gratification she and her husband. West also worked as a prostitute. Two of their children is the son of her client. West is one of only two women who had sentenced to death in prison in the UK (the other is Myra Hindley dead at the moment)

Victims: 22 +
Adalan dacoit Phoolan Devi India (armed robbers) who had a brief career as a politican later. In the 1970s she was kidnapped by dacoit gang and she eventually joined them to commit a crime. At one time she was raped by a group of men in Behmai. She chose to run and continue her life to commit a crime, robbing from the rich. Then she finally returned to Behmai and she ordered all men to line up and shoot them all. At least about 22 men were killed. Then she finally was arrested and spent 11 years in prison. She entered into politics, but only for a short time because of the rebellion. Surprisingly, in 1998, Phoolan Devi was nominated for a Nobel prize by some members of the British parkemen. In 2001, she was murdered by a man in revenge for the attempt murder that she did in Behmai.

Victims: 10 +
Socialite LaLaurie is a cruel people who lived in New Orleans. Her house is a room full of horror. On April 10, 1834, fire broke out in the kitchen and firefighters found the 2 slaves chained to the stove, where they are believed to accelerate the fire to get attention. Firefighters guided by the other slaves where there is even more surprising. More than a dozen slaves shackled disabled and maimed in the wall or floor. Some become subject to a terrible drug testing. A man seen as part of a bizarre exchange of sex, a woman trapped in a small cage with a broken arm and looks like a crab, and another woman with no arms and legs, and patches of flesh on him to look like caterpillars. Some of his mouth sewn and starve to death, others again hand stitched with other parts of the body. Most were found dead, but some are still alive and some begged to be killed in order not to suffer anymore. LaLaurie run before she was tried and she was never caught.

Victim: 500,000 +
Jiang Qing was the wife of Mao Tse-tung was a communist dictatorship in China. Because of her intelligence she was getting up the movement's most powerful position in the communist party (in power as President). It is believed that she was the brains behind the Chinese Cultural Revolution (where she became deputy leader). During the Cultural Revolution, many economic activities are stopped and the ancient buildings, artifacts, antiques, books, paintings and countless destroyed by Red Guards (red army). During the Cultural Revolution 10 years, also affected the education system into displaced and many smart people sent to prison camp. Millions of people in China reportedly suffered torture, human rights during the Cultural Revolution. Millions of others also forced removal. Estimated death toll, civilians and red forces, either from the west and east of about 500,000 people in the chaos in the year 1966-1969 but the estimates are rising again to 3 million of 36 million people are persecuted.
(source: rileks.com)