Jatropha Curcas Oil as Alternative Energy Sources
Energy crisis, particularly fuel-induced rise in world oil prices has led many countries need to find sources of alternative fuels that may be developed. One of the plants that have potential as a fuel source is a Jatropha curcas plant .

So far, only Jatropha curcas plant as a fence and not specifically sought. In agronomist, these plants can adapt to the land and Agro-climate plants can even grow well in dry conditions (rainfall <500 style="font-style: italic;">Jatropha plant belonging to the recalcitrant and easy to grow, but there are problems in agribusiness today is the lack of superior varieties or clones, of limited availability of seeds, cultivation techniques and inadequate marketing and pricing systems that do not have standards.

By considering the potential of Jatropha curcas is easy to grow, can be developed as sources of alternative fuel producers on marginal lands can provide new hope agribusiness development. Profits in Jatropha cultivation in marginal lands, among others
- to support land conservation efforts,
- provide employment opportunities that have implications for income increases for farmers, and
- provides procurement solutions fuel (biofuel).
Many species such as Jatropha curcas such as Ricinus communis, Jatropha podagrica, and gossypifolia Jatropha. Among the Jatropha curcas plant species which have potential as a producer of fuel oil (biofuel) is Jatropha curcas. Jatropha curcas has been known to the public in various regions of Indonesia, which since it was introduced by the Japanese in the 1942's, which was ordered to perform community investment as a fence yard distance. Some local name is given Jatropha fence lepada include Sundanese (rib distance, distance deaf), Java (bare distance, distance pager), Madura (kalekhe paghar), Bali (distance pager), Nusa Tenggara (lulu would , nail Kase, distance pageh), Alor (germ Nema), Sulawesi (rib distance, distance wolanda, bindalo, bintalo, Tondo utomene), Maluku (ai huwa Kamala, balacai, kadoto).
Jatropha curcas plants including family Euphorbiaceae, a family with rubber and cassava. The tree height of shrubs with plants from 1 to 7 m, branching irregularly. Stem woody, cylindrical sap when cut out. The leaves single leaf, curved, angled 3 or 5, bone menjari leaves with 5 to 7 primary bone, green leaf color (lower surface paler than the top). Petiole length between 4 to 15 cm. Greenish-yellow flowers, a flower-shaped compound panicle, married one. Male flowers and female flowers are arranged in a series of cup-shaped, rod tip up or axillary leaves.

Fruit of fruit oval box, diameter 2 to 4 cm, green when young and yellow when ripe. Curcas atropha Fruit divided each 3 spaces - each room filled with 3 seeds. Oval-shaped seeds, dark brown color. This is what a lot of seeds containing oil with yield of about 30 - 40% Jatropha curcas start flowering after 3 - 4 months, whereas the formation of the fruit began at age 4 to 5 months. Harvest when the fruit is ripe, the fruit characterized by yellow skin and then began to dry. Ripe fruit is usually after the age of 5 - 6 months. Jatropha curcas is an annual plant that can live more than 20 years (if maintained properly). Although the seed market and crude oil open, it does not mean business Jatropha curcas without constraints. The maturity of the fruit was not simultaneous, sucking a lot of labor. The high price of oil processing machine Jatropha curcas is also a barrier. The engine capacity to 200 kg per day, one of the engine manufacturers to fix prices-Rp40 million ($ 4000). Cause, not the engine manufacturer production mass. Indeed, planters can be so much lighter Share.
There currently are processing their own planters Jatropha curcas seeds. Many planters who have been harvesting, but they use the seeds for the expansion of planting only.
(source: ppht)
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