Saturday, October 3, 2009

New Species, Rat Throughout Nearly One Meter

New Species, Rat Throughout Nearly One Meter

BEIJING, some scientists and film makers have discovered a new species of giant rat deep in the forests of Papua New Guinea, along with other animals that had never seen. Woolly mouse is eating the vegetables. The body is very large, with a length of 82 inches and weighs 1.5 kilograms. Its size makes these animal species including the largest rat ever known from around the world. Animals are found in the expedition team that made the film for the BBC program, Lost Land of the Volcano. However, rats are just one of dozens of new animals found under Bosavi volcano. The team also found a number of foreign spiders and 20 species of insects. "The center of attention include a chameleon, a fanged frog, and one species of fish called 'Henamo Grunter.' So named because the creature let out a purr of the air bag while swimming," said Steve Greenwood, the producer of the series Lost Land of the Volcano . The fanged frogs are only one of 16 new frog found. Inland toward the discovery of the animals was fairly difficult. The team spent several weeks to climb as high as 2800 meters with the aid of local trackers. However, once there, it's easy to find the creatures were.

(source: kompas)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Microchip Detect Cancer Early

Microchip Detect Cancer Early

TORONTO, the new breakthrough scientists continue to be developed in order to detect cancer early. The latest findings of scientists who developed Canada in this field resulted in a microchip that is sensitive enough to detect the type and level of cancer.

Although categorized as high-tech skills, without mentioning the price range of scientists claim to be a sophisticated device is quite affordable.

Times of India, Friday (2/10/2009) launch, a microchip has been successfully tested in detecting various examples of prostate cancer, head and neck. This device can also be used to diagnose other types of cancer and infectious diseases such as HIV and H1N1 flu.

In developing these microchips, scientists from the University of Toronto using nano materials for the first time to build a microchip sensitivity capabilities. This new device will make molecular diagnostic methods become more sophisticated and easily available.

"Innovation is an indication that the era of nano treatment has begun," said Professor David Naylor of the University of Toronto.

Naylor added, this device quickly lifting bio markers or biomarkers that be a clue that the presence of cancer is generally presented at low levels in biological samples.

The results of the analysis will be completed in 30 minutes. This process is much faster when compared with the analysis method by using a commonly used today.

"Today, computers take part in evaluating samples of clinical cancer biomarker," said Naylor.

(source: okezone)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Leather Waste Nuts as Briquette Energy

Leather Waste Energy Nuts as Briquette Energy

Rising oil prices in global markets, making the price of kerosene for the most public consumption, rare and expensive on the market. For some country the difficulty was not only until there, rising oil prices also caused the price of trade in goods and services also rose.

Briquette is a solid fuel formed from the mixing of organic waste composing with glue and other substances that could be useful in combustion. Manufacture of charcoal briquettes can be one alternative answer difficulty kerosene fuel.

Type Briquette

1. Carbonization Type (super), this type of prior experience before becoming varbonization process of briquette. Carbonization process flying substances contained in the coal briquette is derived as low as possible so that the final product does not smell of smoke, but the production costs to increase because of the coal occurs yield of 50%. These briquettes suitable for use for household use and more secure in its use.

2. Non-carbonization Type (usually), this species is not carbonated before being processed into the fixed briquette prixe and cheaper. Because the substance was contained in the flight use it to better use the stove (no stove) that will result in complete combustion where all substances that come flying from the briquette will burn down by the stove flame surface. These briquettes are generally used for small industries.

Type and size of briquette
1. Eggs: chicken eggs for
2. Cubes: 12.5 x 12.5 x 5 cm
3. Form cylinder: 7 cm (height) x 12 cm diameter

Egg form suitable briquettes for household or restaurant, while the form of cubes and cylinder used for small industry / medium.

Making briquettes from peanut shells began with the burning. After the charcoal, peanut shells are still intact then milled form. The next process, peanut shells charcoal powder was mixed with starch glue mixture, then pressed for printing. Mixing between shells powder mixture with starch glue required 10:1 ratio, so each 10 kilograms of powdered peanut shells need two pounds of starch glue to be pressed into the desired briquette mold. After the briquettes printed, then dried in the sun to dry.

Of the entire production process of organic waste briquettes that, burned which took a long time, approximately two and a half hours. When done burning it, we should really watch the whole process, can not be left having to constantly supervised, do not let the fire die because later will fail. But the fire can not be left to live (grow) as a burnt peanut shells will become ashes, when it can not be contrived ashes into powder. Tricky, indeed. For that he should always watch carefully when the combustion process is taking place through the smoke produced from burning it.

One kilogram of briquettes containing 20-25 seeds sold at Rp 1,500 (15cents). The briquettes can be burned up to 30 minutes with an average temperature of 60 degrees Celsius. In the bulk, one kilogram of briquettes can be used to cook more than four hours. The same time when cooking with kerosene stoves. From these data it can be seen that the value of the briquettes ekoeffisiensi large enough decrease in operating expenses, other than by using these shells is the use of re (Reuse) of discarded waste materials (Waste Products) so that in addition to reducing waste (Reduce) On the one sides can reduce environmental pollution and on the other hand can make money.

(source: onlinebuku)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jatropha Curcas Oil as Alternative Energy Sources

Jatropha Curcas Oil as Alternative Energy Sources

Energy crisis, particularly fuel-induced rise in world oil prices has led many countries need to find sources of alternative fuels that may be developed. One of the plants that have potential as a fuel source is a Jatropha curcas plant .

So far, only Jatropha curcas plant as a fence and not specifically sought. In agronomist, these plants can adapt to the land and Agro-climate plants can even grow well in dry conditions (rainfall <500 style="font-style: italic;">Jatropha plant belonging to the recalcitrant and easy to grow, but there are problems in agribusiness today is the lack of superior varieties or clones, of limited availability of seeds, cultivation techniques and inadequate marketing and pricing systems that do not have standards.

By considering the potential of Jatropha curcas is easy to grow, can be developed as sources of alternative fuel producers on marginal lands can provide new hope agribusiness development. Profits in Jatropha cultivation in marginal lands, among others
  • to support land conservation efforts,
  • provide employment opportunities that have implications for income increases for farmers, and
  • provides procurement solutions fuel (biofuel).

Many species such as Jatropha curcas such as Ricinus communis, Jatropha podagrica, and gossypifolia Jatropha. Among the Jatropha curcas plant species which have potential as a producer of fuel oil (biofuel) is Jatropha curcas. Jatropha curcas has been known to the public in various regions of Indonesia, which since it was introduced by the Japanese in the 1942's, which was ordered to perform community investment as a fence yard distance. Some local name is given Jatropha fence lepada include Sundanese (rib distance, distance deaf), Java (bare distance, distance pager), Madura (kalekhe paghar), Bali (distance pager), Nusa Tenggara (lulu would , nail Kase, distance pageh), Alor (germ Nema), Sulawesi (rib distance, distance wolanda, bindalo, bintalo, Tondo utomene), Maluku (ai huwa Kamala, balacai, kadoto).

Jatropha curcas plants including family Euphorbiaceae, a family with rubber and cassava. The tree height of shrubs with plants from 1 to 7 m, branching irregularly. Stem woody, cylindrical sap when cut out. The leaves single leaf, curved, angled 3 or 5, bone menjari leaves with 5 to 7 primary bone, green leaf color (lower surface paler than the top). Petiole length between 4 to 15 cm. Greenish-yellow flowers, a flower-shaped compound panicle, married one. Male flowers and female flowers are arranged in a series of cup-shaped, rod tip up or axillary leaves.

Fruit of fruit oval box, diameter 2 to 4 cm, green when young and yellow when ripe. Curcas atropha Fruit divided each 3 spaces - each room filled with 3 seeds. Oval-shaped seeds, dark brown color. This is what a lot of seeds containing oil with yield of about 30 - 40% Jatropha curcas start flowering after 3 - 4 months, whereas the formation of the fruit began at age 4 to 5 months. Harvest when the fruit is ripe, the fruit characterized by yellow skin and then began to dry. Ripe fruit is usually after the age of 5 - 6 months. Jatropha curcas is an annual plant that can live more than 20 years (if maintained properly). Although the seed market and crude oil open, it does not mean business Jatropha curcas without constraints. The maturity of the fruit was not simultaneous, sucking a lot of labor. The high price of oil processing machine Jatropha curcas is also a barrier. The engine capacity to 200 kg per day, one of the engine manufacturers to fix prices-Rp40 million ($ 4000). Cause, not the engine manufacturer production mass. Indeed, planters can be so much lighter Share.

There currently are processing their own planters Jatropha curcas seeds. Many planters who have been harvesting, but they use the seeds for the expansion of planting only.

(source: ppht)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Do You Know What Times of Trading Hours for the Most Profitable?

Based on the experiences of many traders in the world, 80% of the traders make a transaction their first session at 07:30 GMT and the second transaction at 12.00 GMT.

The second time, they already have a 60% chance of profitable, the remaining 40% is based on the accuracy of their choice (Buy or Sell).

Hopefully this information is useful to You as Forex Traders.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Other Life in the Universe

Other Life in the Universe
Are we alone?

We have been in doubt if we are alone in the universe for a long time. Since the mid-20th century, that is why, this speculation became science itself. "Exobiology" trying to determine the conditions necessary for life and a place that allows developing, and using the technical tools that may allow us to put it.

Drake Equation
In 1961, an American radio astronomer, Frank Drake, the theoretical equations proposed to estimate the chances of the existence of intelligent life in our galaxy. Formula that he thought the subject of discussion. The objective is to calculate the amount of communication civilizations that might exist in the Milky Way and a reasonable expectation to receive the signal.

The equation is N = (R *) x (FP) x (Ne) x (Fl) x (Fi) x (Ft) x (L)
  • R * said the rate of star formation in which the culture develops possible. This number is a fraction of all stars in the galaxy with the exception of giant stars that have a life too short time for the emergence of civilization communications.
  • Fp is the fraction of stars that have planetary systems
  • Ne the number of planets similar to Earth, located in the zone which covers a support formation conditions of life.
  • Fl equal to the fraction of planets where life could develop.
  • Fi Fraction expressed Fi planet where life has reached the stage of intelligence.
  • Ft is the fraction of civilizations that have developed technology that allows them to send signals into space.
  • L states when living civilization that can send radio signals that can be detected
  • N the number of civilizations in Milky Way communication that can send radio signals that can be detected. This amount varies depending on the value used for each parameter in the above; result stems from 1 (our civilization) to millions or even billions.

Traces of life on Mars?

In 1996, found traces of a meteorite micro fossils from Mars. Long micro fossils resembles bacteria on Earth. It is estimated that falls in the Antarctic meteorite 13,000 years ago, but has been crystallized 4.5 billion years before the march, when the planets formed. Micro fossils is certainly alive when the Mars is warm and humid. Dry riverbed on Mars is the remainder of the time when the planet has a climate that supports life.

Message for Extraterrestrials (Aliens) In 1974, Arecibo radio telescope has been send a message in binary code form to the globular clusters in the Hercules constellation, consisting of hundreds of thousands of stars, which will reach 25,000 in the year.

(source: QA International)

Algae and Fungi that can be Eaten

Algae and Fungi that can be Eaten
Different Texture and Taste

There are about 25,000 species of algae, but only about 50 are good to eat. Aquatic Algae are often called vegetable from the sea. Japan is a producer, exporter, and the largest algae consumers. This explains the many names in Japanese algae. More than 100,000 species of fungi are known, only 20 types of fungus that can be cooked. Between 1% and 2% of species are toxic, causing serious problems, even death and can not be eaten. Others have the texture or taste.

Algae Algae have the texture and taste which are very diverse. Some are elastic, the other a soft and dry. They are used as food, seasoning, decorator, and supplements. Algae are composed of as many as 40-60% carbohydrate. They are also good sources contained minerals, including calcium and iodine. some cultivated algae, pieces of algae that carry the spores grown on the tube or rope plsyik in the reservoir with sea water temperature is set or in the sea.
  • Once under water, forming a branch of hijiki dry noodles
  • Nori is orange algae that became black when dry, thin leaf of nori used to make sushi.
  • Jelly is a material extracted from red algae, thawed, used to make jelly that can replace gelatin in some recipes.
  • Spirulina Algae is a microscopic protein, usually eaten as a supplement food .
  • Lettuce Algae Sea looked and tasted like lettuce.
Fungi Groups of fungi including mushrooms tribe, but also mold and yeast used to make cheese, bread, beer, etc.. several species of mushrooms such as button mushrooms are cultivated. technique consists of miselia spur to develop the natural or synthetic fertilizers (made with straw, bark, gypsum or other materials) or wood. Some mushrooms are eaten raw, but generally must be cooked.
  • Velve foot, which is very popular in Asia, has a thin veil and a long stalk.
  • Button mushrooms, widest and most popular power.
  • Truffles are extremely rare below the surface.
  • Morel, hood covered the alveoli, can only be eaten if cooked properly.

(source: QA International)